Friday, October 9, 2009

Hammerin' Fears Fridays

Artist extraordinaire Francesco Francavilla loves this time of year! A few years ago around this time, he created over 70 illustrations celebrating 30 classic horror films which he published in a sketchbook, Schermoscuro. Last year, he posted weekly installments of "Sisterhood of the Witches," a profile of famous sorceresses and occultists. This year, he has really outdone himself.

Every Sunday of the month, Francesco posts an entry in the "Vault of Fear" - an original pulp cover of fear and terror. This week, he celebrated the 50th anniversary of The Twilight Zone with a set of 5 images from his favorite episodes. And perhaps my favorite, each Friday he will be gracing us with a design inspired by a classic Hammer film.

If you like Halloween-inspired artwork, if you like fine illustration, if you love pulp, and if you have a pulse (or even if you don't), I highly recommend checking out Francesco Francavilla's Pulp Sunday blog!

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